How to Vibe High & Find Your Groove- Practical Tips

Michaela Akasha
5 min readMar 16, 2021

Vibing high, or maintaining a high vibration, is a skill that you can learn and master. It’s entirely possible to create a life of flow where you remain in a high vibration or an elevated state. Vibing high is like generating momentum or catching a wave and enjoying the ride. In this post, I’d like to share a few practical tips to help you maintain an elevated state. Let’s get high vibe!

It’s important to note that everyone is different. We are each unique beings with our unique talents, abilities, styles, and preferences. It’s important to honour your uniqueness and you can even discover more about yourself by assessing what boosts your vibe and what bursts your vibe. Ultimately, learning how to vibe high brings with it a multitude of different benefits. It’s a win-win situation!

Practical tips for Vibing High:

1. Diet & Lifestyle

Your daily habits and what you choose to ingest play a major role in your ability to vibe high. As the saying goes, you are what you eat, and that which you consume affects your body, mind, and emotions. A high vibe diet and lifestyle offers you more energy and therefore more time. Ultimately, this extra energy and time can translate into more resources, abundance, and creativity. Getting your body/mind/emotional system into a healthy, vibrant, and elevated state is the foundation for living a high vibe life.

2. Pursue What You Love

We are here to live fully, to embrace life, and most importantly- to enjoy life! We did not come into this life with the intention to struggle or suffer. No matter what some may say or believe- living a high vibe life thriving in abundance, joy, and peace is possible and available to all. We may simply need to shift a few outdated beliefs which will allow us to experience this reality. Begin to focus on activities that you love and which make you come alive. Anything under the sun that uplifts you, inspires you, motivates you, and allows you to feel yourself soaring on that high vibe wave- do more of it! It doesn’t matter what it is, if it uplifts you- it works! You will eventually end up with a toolbox of personalized high vibe tools and tricks!

3. Maintain a Positive Mindset

I cannot overstate the importance of this point. Thought creates reality. The thoughts you choose to think on a moment-to-moment basis have a profound impact on your life and your ability to vibe high. Your thoughts can be one of your greatest allies and they also have the power to annihilate and destroy your best intentions. Your mindset needs to match that which you desire to experience, be, achieve, or create. Get your mind “up to speed” by becoming conscious of your thoughts and learning to filter them accordingly. Your mind is a tool with many powerful abilities but if you do not learn how to master your mind- it will master you and affect your vibe. Your mind has the power to instantly help you shift into an elevated state and it equally has the power to burst and deflate your high vibing balloon. Choose uplifting, healthy, productive, constructive, high vibing thoughts.

4. Count Your Blessings

Like attracts like, and the more gratitude you feel, the more you will have to feel grateful for. The universe bestows blessings upon those who are grateful. It’s no surprise that there is scientific proof that gratitude and appreciation are the highest emotional frequencies we can feel and generate. Not only does practicing gratitude bring even more blessings into your life, but it also offers very real health benefits. Elevated emotions such as gratitude and appreciation release feel-good biochemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin into our body. These offer many regenerative health benefits.

5. Eliminate All Negativity/Toxicity

Begin to become aware of who/where/what brings you down. Once you begin vibing high, those people/places/situations/things that bring you down will become more and more evident. Begin to pay attention to everything you experience and observe in your day-to-day life. You may discover certain foods you once enjoyed weigh you down. You may find yourself losing interest in certain activities or experiences that before may have stimulated you. Practice placing boundaries and honour yourself and your unique needs. You may need to release or rearrange a few areas of your life so that you can vibe high. Your life may even require a complete overhaul! Fear not, allow your life to come undone if this is a need. If you allow the process to unfold, it will sweep through your life, purify it, and leave nothing but all that you truly desire and that truly resonates in its place.

6. Entertain Possibilities Over Limitations

Choose to perceive possibility as opposed to limitation. Choose to see challenges and difficulties as opportunities. Open your mind and being to what you can create as opposed to entertaining thoughts that say otherwise. Whenever you feel a limiting thought arise, you can choose to instantly shift this thought into a positive one. For every limiting thought, choose a high vibe thought to take its place. When you look out upon the horizon of your life, choose only to see opportunity and potential. When this is the truth, why would you choose to perceive otherwise? Those who are ready to enjoy life and thrive do not choose to suffer. Imagine what you can create, for imagination is the greatest key.

7. Generate Momentum- Keep Moving Forward

So you’ve successfully shifted into a high vibe state. Woohoo! Alas, how can we maintain this elevated state? This, dear friends, is the art of living! There is a way, a natural rhythm, and flow, and all you need is to find your groove. Once you find that groove, you’ll discover skills for getting into that groove, and even better- staying in that groove! Eventually, your entire life will become that groove. You’ll share and inspire others with your groove. Your groove is like a surfboard. If you fall, simply get back up and continue to catch and ride those waves. You’ll learn how to stay in your groove for longer periods of time. You’ll learn how to shift into your groove at will at any time. Staying in your groove will become so effortless and natural that being out of your groove will feel unnatural. Create a new baseline of what it feels like to be “normal”. Program that “normal” however you please. Fill it with love, joy, harmony, bliss, peace, serenity, appreciation, excitement, and anything you desire.



Michaela Akasha

Medium Newbie - Fresh out the Box!